Welcome to
St Alban's Academy
Learning, Growing and Exploring together with God

Welcome to St Alban's

The children and staff at St Alban’s would like to wish you a very warm welcome to our exciting website, where you will find lots of information about us. St Alban’s is a happy and inclusive school where we hold high aspirations for all of our children. We hope you enjoy your website experience and visit us again soon.
Message from the Head of School
A very warm welcome to all to St Alban’s CE where I am extremely privileged to be the Head of School! I am delighted to have joined a school where staff are dedicated not only to promoting academic progress for all but to challenging our children to be their best self every day. Our children are amazing and have unique, individual qualities that make St. Alban’s a special place to be.
As a Church of England school, our six Christian values of forgiveness, friendship, justice, perseverance, thankfulness and trust are truly demonstrated by our staff, children and the community that we serve. Our vision 'Growing, Learning and Exploring Together with God' underpins all that we do and our inclusive, welcoming, one form entry school respects and values every single one of our children and families from all faiths and beliefs.
We work closely with the St. Alban’s community and with the Church of St. Alban’s. We are also passionate about collaboration within our trust’s family of schools and leaders who champion the success of St Alban’s and make us stronger together. We endeavour to build positive relationships with all our parents and the wider community to make St. Alban’s the best school that it can be.
I am excited to be here for the next part of St. Alban’s journey and to creating futures together!
Mrs L Wooldridge

"I have come that they may have life, and live it to the full" John 10:10

Our School Vision
Learning, Growing and Exploring together with God
At St Alban's C of E Academy, we empower each child to learn enthusiastically, grow independently and explore inquisitively to fulfil their God given potential. "I have come that they may have life, and live it to the full" John 10:10