Learning, Growing and Exploring together with God
We pride ourselves on delivering a broad and balanced curriculum: pursuing and achieving academic excellence whilst offering children a wide range of extra-curricular learning opportunities. Through our nurturing environment and our holistic approach to learning we ensure all children develop in to confident, articulate and immensely capable young people ready for their next stage of education and beyond.

Our School Vision
At St Alban's C of E Academy, we empower each child to learn enthusiastically, grow independently and explore inquisitively to fulfil their God given potential. "I have come that they may have life, and live it to the full" John 10:10

“My God is my strength in whom I trust.” Psalms 18:2
“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!” Philippians 4:13
“ Always be thankful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16
“Just as the Lord has forgiven, so you must also forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
“Learn to do right, seek justice.” Isaiah 1:17

For any information regarding our school, in the first instance, please contact our School Business Manager, Mrs C Ridge, on 01902 558825 or email info@stalbansceacademy.com
If website visitors have a genuine interest for further information or paper copies of any of the website information then please contact school.