All of our children have access to the websites below. Home learning is set via these online websites and a newsletter is sent out each week detailing the children's tasks. If your child needs their login, please contact the class teacher.

Times tables and Number bonds practice.

English Homework

Braining Camp (Representations of Maths manipulatives which children use in school, to support children with completing their Maths Homework at home)
Maths Homework

Below you will find the links to our Online Services and Subscriptions for children to use at home. All usernames and passwords are issued via your child's class teacher and they have a central login of these if you require them again. If you are unable to log on using the information provided, please contact a member of school staff and we will resolve your query. This can be done by contacting info@stalbansceacademy.com or children@stalbansceacademy.com or you can speak with Mrs Abbiss when dropping your child off at school in the morning.

Timestables and Maths (Year 1-Year 6)

Maths, English and the Wider Curriculum

Click “My Class Login” at the top of the page