Our Christian values, along with British values, are at the heart of our curriculum and are taught through our curriculum.
Learning Together with God
At St Alban’s Academy we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced to ensure every child reaches their full potential and has access to a range of educational experiences whatever their starting points or circumstance. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.
Children at St Alban’s are provided with a clear progression of opportunity to engage with, and be part of, a rich, varied and comprehensive curriculum that reflects the interests of the school, its staff, children, parents and the wider national and global communities. Developing independent, resilient, inspired and motivated life-long learners with a sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all of our teaching and learning.
Our curriculum strives to develop reflective and independent learners and the use of success criteria in all lessons, as well as targets in reading, writing and maths, allows children to reflect on their learning and recognise what they need to do next to move on in their learning journey. This is also supported by daily personalised marking and feedback from class teachers.
We strongly believe in the development of key skills and core knowledge that are embedded into all areas of the curriculum. In addition, teachers plan highly engaging learning opportunities that are matched to the relative starting points of all pupils.
​At St Alban's, our humanities and arts curriculum is blocked allowing children to completely immerse themselves in the topic and allow for depth of knowledge and skills; whilst other subjects are taught weekly or via focus days.
Whole school curriculum overview
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