Please click the Class link below to view their page of information:
Nursery Overview
Our Nursery provision is purposefully built to encourage creative, ambitious, and lifelong learners who are excited about the world around them. Each child who walks through our doors is given the tools that they need to thrive not only in the classroom, but in their local community too. Life experiences include creating shopping lists for Mr Wolf’s pancakes, performing as part of a Carol concert at our church, visiting the local farm to see how produce is made and many more! Our curriculum is inspired by both well-known and new texts, developing a love of reading and inspiring imagination in our youngest learners.
Our provision is led by new topics, themes and the children’s interests week to week. Using both our indoor and outdoor spaces, the children will explore, enquire and challenge their thinking with practical tasks such as planting seeds for the Nursery garden, making s’mores by the firepit in forest school and joining the circus for a day!
Our Nursery cohort is made up of a morning and afternoon Nursery (both 15 hour provision) and a 30 hour provision. Confident and happy children are a top priority for our setting so we will always try to accommodate any of your transition needs, to ensure your children are ready to walk into the class with a big smile on their face.

We look forward to meeting you soon!
During the start of their school journey, children will have the opportunity to understand how they are becoming part of a larger family and begin to learn about respecting and looking after other people. They will learn to become aware of their own feelings and begin to learn about the changes within days and seasons.
During the spring term, children will begin with exploring traditional tales through stories, rhymes and role play. They will begin to identify and make links with their own experiences and feelings and move on to learning about life on a farm. This will include the role of a farmer, links with seasons and the animals that are born and what happens on a farm.
The summer term is a very exciting one in Nursery as children have the opportunity to explore a wide range of authors and their super stories through role play, reading, number work and songs

Why not take a look at some of these useful websites to use at home:
Starting School - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhtcvk7/articles/znc9vk7
Number - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjkphbk/articles/zd4b382
Maths games - https://www.education.com/games/preschool/
A parent’s guide to EYFS - https://www.foundationyears.org.uk/files/2015/03/4Children_ParentsGuide_2015_WEB.pdf
Phonics - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Early Years games - http://www.crickweb.co.uk/Early-Years.html
Reception Overview
In Reception, we encourage children to embrace and find joy in every moment of their learning. We aspire to cultivate a nurturing environment where your child is at the heart of everything we do. From UFO space landings, bear hunts in the forest to Safari Park trips, we strive to spark the imagination of every child – their enthusiasm and determination to succeed continues to grow as they transition to the next phase of their school journey.
Our provision and curriculum have been meticulously planned to ensure that your child’s thinking is challenged as they progress across the year. For example, at the start of the year children may have access to a painting table withthe paints prepared for them, however at the end of the year, a craft station is available for children to mix colours and experiment with textures and brushes. The enhancements available for the children often inspire them to reflect on prior learning but also make links with their own personal life experiences. It is essential to us that children see purpose and value in the content of their learning.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
We have an open-door policy so would always welcome visitors.

Year 1 Overview
In Year 1, our curriculum and learning opportunities build on your experiences from Reception. We understand that it can feel like a big jump transitioning from an Early Year setting to a more traditional style school setting in Year 1 so we ensure that opportunities are embedded throughout the curriculum to allow children to explore and actively think. The learning becomes more formal and your prior learning experiences will help you to continue to be motivated and enthusiastic learners. Your time in Year 1 will see you developing your reading and writing skills through daily phonics and English lessons and number skills through daily mathematics lessons: this will underpin your learning across all subjects.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
We have an open-door policy so would always welcome visitors.
In the autumn term, Year 1 children have the opportunity to learn all about their school - both the history of it as well as developing their geographical understanding of the location around them and their sense of direction. This is also the year where children begin their very special journey in computing identifying ways in which to get started on laptops and their very first experience of programming using the Beebots.
During the spring term, children have the opportunity to explore the Isle of Skye - learning about what lie is like on an island including the opportunity to explore human and physical features. Within history, children will learn about caring people: this topic will teach children all about a range of people from the past who cared for others and how they have influenced our lives today. Children will take their very first steps into investigating materials and being scientists by carrying out investigations to compare materials.
At the end of their Year 1 journey, children explore and develop their knowledge about the United Kingdom, comparing and contrasting human and physical features as well as developing their understanding of the weather. Children also have the chance to develop their history skills by learning about kings and queens during different periods of history and begin to explore what other religions, other than Christianity believe and follow.

Year 2 Overview
Your last year in KS1 is one to remember! In Year 2, you are the role models to our younger children and take on the responsibility to support children to develop their positive behavior and attitudes towards their learning and life at St Alban’s. Year 1 is all about preparing you for life in KS2 and there is an amazing curriculum in place to study including: The events of the Great Fire of London, Grace O'Malley, the famous warrior and leader, and Great Explorers. Throughout our year together, we will go on some exciting visits to bring our topics to life and we get the chance to celebrate our learning and successes in our achievement assemblies with the rest of the school. Year 2 is also the year for SATS, but don’t worry, you will be more than prepared for them by the end of the year!
Autumn term in Year 2 starts with an exciting history topic: Grace O'Malley and Piracy. Of course, children have the opportunity to explore the legend of Grace O'Malley, her significance and consider how life has changed over time. Children also learn about living things and their habitats and deepen their understanding using our very own forest school habitats to understand more about microhabitats and the living things that live there.
Spring learning in Year 2 begins with a bang, crackle and pop! Children have the opportunity to learn all about The Great Fire of London, using historical terms to discuss the events and chronology of the events. Children also deepen their understanding in Design and Technology to design and build their very own Tudor house which, once made, could be set alight – which house do you think will still be standing?
In the last term of Year 2, children will go on a journey around the world, learning about different explorers and the mysteries they uncovered. They will develop their geographical skills and knowledge through an exploration of Australia, taking into account the features that James Cook would see now if he were still alive and considering the affect that humans have on the environment.

Why not take a look at some of these useful websites to use at home:
Maths and English - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting
Phonics - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
SATs papers - http://www.primarytools.co.uk/pages/pastpapers.html
BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p
English - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds
Maths - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting
Timestables - https://ttrockstars.com/
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stalbanswv11

Year 3 Overview
The transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 is a big, but exciting one! You will continue to practice key skills and embed our Learning Bees and Christian Values throughout all of your learning opportunities. Year 3 is a very important year, your first within KS2, and the year where you continue to develop skills in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science. You will not only consolidate your prior learning but also learn new skills to embed and this will underpin your learning across all subjects. Year 3 is also the first year that the children will begin their journey into the world of France and the French language through Modern Foreign Languages lessons.
In autumn, learn all about the history of the local area and the process of change our local area has experienced. Children will also immerse their selves into their learning on Wolverhampton by designing and making their very own treasure box: the box will be used as a time capsule that will be buried on our own school grounds to commemorate Ashmore Park as it is now for other people in the future to discover!
The spring term will take children on a journey through WW2. They will learn what life was like for children during the war as well as understanding who the allies and axis were. Leading from this, children will have the chance to explore countries within Europe that took part in the war and even design sew and make their own teddy as if they were a child evacuee!
The last term of Year 3 begins with learning all about the Saxons and Vikings – what an exciting way to start! Children will learn all about their way of living, compare their living conditions to ours today and also create timelines to identify changes that have been made. A chance to plan and carry out investigations during science will be available throughout the whole of Year 3 and children will be able to investigate and test different types of magnets and their strength during the summer term.

Why not take a look at some of these useful websites to use at home:
Maths and English - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers
Spelling - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/lcwc/index.html
Science - https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science
Maths - http://www.crickweb.co.uk/Key-Stage-2.html
SPAG - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhrrd2p
Timestables - https://ttrockstars.com/
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stalbanswv11
A range of subjects - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?AgeGroup=3

Year 4 Overview
Year 4 will be epic, action-packed and filled with fantastic learning opportunities and experiences. Educational visits, class assemblies and even beginning to write in pen when you earn that special, coveted pen licence! All of this, as well as a curriculum bursting with amazing learning opportunities in all curriculum areas, means that your time in Year 4 will most definitely be remarkable! This year will provide you with all the skills you need ready to make the leap into Upper Key Stage Two and will give you the opportunity to take on more roles and responsibilities around school including librarians and play leaders. Year 4 will be an unforgettable year at school, where learning will always be remembered.
The autumn term in Year 4 begins with learning all about The Tudors where children have the opportunity to identify significant figures from this historical period and understand their influence on our lives today – children even have the chance to extend their learning out of the classroom and take a visit to Moseley Old Hall. To immerse the children in the Tudor times even more so, they will explore the art work of Hans Holbein who was appointed a court painter during the Tudor times.
Let’s learn about all things Roman! Children will have the opportunity to understand more about the Roman Empire and its widespread influence as well as exploring and anlysing natural disasters in geography within the countries that the Romans invaded. Making Roman pottery is a highlight of the term where children will learn all about the patterns and mosaics used in Roman times and apply these to their very own pottery pieces!
The final term in lower key stage two takes the children on a journey through Stone Age to Iron Age, and its importance within the ancient civilization. Within geography, children will gain a good understanding of North America, exploring key physical features. The summer term is also the year that the children have the chance to go swimming – don’t forget your costumes/shorts and towels!

Why not take a look at some of these useful websites to use at home:
Maths and English - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers
Spelling - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/lcwc/index.html
Science - https://www.stem.org.uk/primary-science
Maths - http://www.crickweb.co.uk/Key-Stage-2.html
English - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zv48q6f
SPAG - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhrrd2p
Timestables - https://ttrockstars.com/
Maths - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stalbanswv11
A range of subjects - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?AgeGroup=3
Maths dictionary - http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/dictionary.html

Year 5 Overview
Welcome to Year 5! You are about to commence the first year in Upper Key Stage 2 in your primary school journey at St Alban’s. In Year 5, you will be embarking on some amazing learning opportunities, which will spark excitement and prepare you for your last two years in primary school. Year 5 is all about growing, maturing and taking on roles and responsibilities around school as well as embedding and developing your knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum. Awaiting you is the responsibility of taking on many jobs: librarians, play leaders and prefects are just some of the roles you may take on to show off what a responsible pupil you are! All of this means that your learning experience in year 5 will give you memories that will last a lifetime!
The first term in Year 5 begins with a history topic where children will learn all about the history of their city - Wolverhampton; considering development of their local city from its founding in Anglo Saxon times, becoming a market town through to its city status today. Geography in autumn allows children to carry investigations around the formation of mountains. Learning about properties of changing materials, including reversible and irreversible changes, will support children within their Design and Technology lessons when making food for a historical street party!
Not only is the spring term the time that Year 5 have the chance to go swimming, it is also the time they get to develop their knowledge and understanding on the Ancient Greeks! An exciting topic awaits where children will learn about the influence the Ancient Greeks had on our lives today, including the Ancient Olympics and the warfare between Athens and Sparta. Bringing the children back into 2020, they will have the opportunity to research, design, make and evaluate their very own iPad case – could they see their iPad cases being used around school?
The last term in Year 5 is a truly exciting one where children have the chance to learn all about Earth and Space! What an adventure! They will explore the planets and solar system as well as learning about the phases of the moon. The last history topic of the year will allow children to learn all about migration - identifying some of the key causes of migration to Britain and comparing these causes over time allowing them to find areas of similarity and differences.

Year 6 Overview
The final year at St Alban’s is a year you will not forget! Packed with fabulous learning opportunities and experiences, you will be provided with all the skills you need to prepare you for life in secondary school. From the end of year residential, to leavers assemblies (in school and in the church), as well as a curriculum that is bursting with fantastic learning opportunities such as dissecting hearts in science and exploring the fabulous world of Harry Potter in English. Amongst all of this, you are also given important responsibilities within school such as prefects, house captains, play leaders, even getting to sit on the benches during worship time, all while taking on the job of being the role models for the whole school.
Not only does the term start with swimming lessons, but the first term in Year 6 gives the children the chance to explore the ancient civilization of the Egyptians: understanding their ways of life, rituals and influences they had on our lives today. Children also have the opportunity to explore rivers and coasts and carry out their very own field study to understand more about the origins of rivers.
The Victorians is an amazing topic where children learn what life was like for a child during the Victorian times and compare and contrast it to their own today. Within geography, children have the chance to explore the increasing connections between places and people across the planet, taking into account their knowledge around trade, culture, technology and transport.
The last term of Year 6, and final term in primary school, is full of exciting opportunities include learning about the ancient civilization of the Maya community, exploring North and South America and even designing and making bowls of pasta! Not only is the term jam packed with fabulous learning opportunities, but it is also the time where Year 6 create and perform their very own leavers assembly – I hope you have prepared some tissues parents and carers!

Why not take a look at some of these useful websites to use at home:
Maths and English - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/mat...
Spelling - https://www.ictgames.com/mobil...
Science - https://www.stem.org.uk/primar...
Maths - http://www.crickweb.co.uk/Key-...
English - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize...
SPAG - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize...
Timestables - https://ttrockstars.com/
Maths - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize...
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch...
A range of subjects - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Sea...
Maths dictionary - http://www.amathsdictionaryfor...
Secondary school - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize...
Quizzes - https://www.educationquizzes.c...
SATs papers - https://www.satsbootcamp.co.uk...
Parents’ guide to SATs - https://www.theschoolrun.com/s...